Employees' Compensation Insurance

Claim Procedure


Notify the Labour Department

Notify the Labour Department within 14 days (in case of injury) or 7 days (in case of death) after the accident comes to knowledge.


Complete forms

  1. Complete the respective forms.

    For sick leave up to 3 days:
    Complete Form 2B

    For sick leave more than 3 days:
    Complete Form 2

    Forms are available from the Labour Department website or through the Labour Department Telephone Enquiry Service Hotline: 2717 1771

  2. Send the completed forms to the Labour Department. 


Pay periodical payments to injured employee

Pay periodical payments to the injured employee at 4/5 of the difference between the employee's monthly earnings at the time of the accident and his/her monthly earnings during the period of temporary incapacity.


Pay medical expenses to injured employee

Pay medical expenses to the injured employee with daily maximum of medical expenses payable as below: 

  • In-patient treatment: HK$300
  • Outpatient treatment: HK$300
  • Both in-patient and outpatient treatment on the same day: HK$370 

Send documents to us

When available, the following documents must be sent to us: 

  1. Form 2 or Form 2B (send the original to the Labour Department and the copy to us) 
  2. Sick Leave Certificate(s) (Please keep us informed as long as the injured employee is still under sick leave by submitting sick leave certificates on a monthly basis) 
  3. Medical expenses receipt(s), if any
Important notes
  1. The period of absence from duty must be certified to be necessary by a registered medical practitioner, registered Chinese medicine practitioner or registered dentist. 
  2. The employer is liable to pay the injured employee’s medical expenses in respect of medical treatment given by a registered medical practitioner, registered Chinese medicine practitioner, registered dentist, registered physiotherapist, registered occupational therapist or registered chiropractor.
  3. We may contact you for further information. 
  4. For enquiries, please call our Claims Services Hotline at +852 2894 0660 or fill in the General enquiry form.

Claim case sharing