MS&AD Insurance Group Basic Policy on Human Rights

The MS&AD Insurance Group is committed to enhancing the enterprise value and contributing to the creation of a sustainable and resilient society through behavior that takes into account interaction with the environment and society in all business activities, with the aim of realizing Our Mission.

We recognize our responsibility for the actual and potential adverse impact our business activities have on human rights, including the impact of value chain, and we have pursued activities and dialogues that respect human rights. This Basic Policy has been adopted to prepare for this.



1. Basic Approach

(1) Compliance with laws, regulations and norms related to respect for human rights

(i)The Group respects international norms on human rights such as the United Nations International Bill of Human Rights(*1), the corporate code of conduct in the United Nations Global Compact(*2), and the principles concerning fundamental rights set out in the International Labor Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work(*3).

(ii) In addition to complying with laws and regulations in countries and regions where we conduct business activities, we seek ways to respect the principles of internationally recognized human rights when these laws and regulations conflict with the principles, while considering the circumstances in such countries and regions.

(2) Non-discrimination

We respect basic human rights in all business activities, and not discriminate based on race, nationality, gender, age, ethnic origin, descent (family origin), social status, creed, religion, physical characteristics, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or pregnancy.

(3) Corporate culture that respects human rights

(i) With “achieving mutual growth by respecting one another's individuality and opinions, and by sharing knowledge and ideas” as one of Our Values, we will foster a corporate culture that respects human rights.
(ii) We respect diverse values and engage in the creation of a friendly working environment with consideration for the mental and physical health and safety of every single employee.



2. Human Rights Due Diligence

We will create a system for human rights due diligence in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and engage in dialogue, consultation and reporting.


(1) Assessment and prevention

We will identify and assess any actual and potential human rights risks, and take prioritized steps to prevent and mitigate them.


(2) Remedy, remediation and dialogue

If the Group causes adverse human rights impacts, we will perform appropriate remedy and remediation through appropriate procedures, and engage in the prevention of recurrence. Moreover, if it is found that we are involved in such impacts through the value chain, we will sincerely engage in dialogue.


(3) Education and Training

We will engage in a broad range of activities to raise awareness of human rights through every opportunity to ensure our officers and employees have a deeper understanding of global, country-specific or regional issues related to human rights and their involvement with our business activities and have respect for human rights.