MSIG EASY Claims system – 3 easy steps to manage and file claims online
MSIG has been an industry pioneer in rolling out its “EASY Claims” system, a secure and robust online claim system that supports claim submissions for all lines of insurance.
To promote the user-friendliness of EASY Claims system, we have rolled-out a Facebook campaign earlier to educate fans on how this customer-oriented system can facilitate their claims submission in the event of mishaps.
Simplified procedures
Instant update
Instant email and SMS notification with a tracking number will be sent once the claim is submitted successfully. |
Clear guidelines and ‘save as draft’ function allows claimants to supplement relevant documents anytime anywhere. |
MSIG is committed to provide extraordinary customer service as our number one priority and offer the best service to our customers. If you have any questions on claims submission, please call our claims service hotline at +852 2894 0660.