Claim case sharing
Insurance claims services that come from the heart
While traveling in the UK in July 2016, Ms. Lam accidently slipped on the floor of her hotel bathroom and injured her spine causing her to be unable to move.
Because Ms. Lam had taken out MSIG travel insurance, she immediately called the 24-hour worldwide travel assistance hotline to request emergency assistance in helping her return to Hong Kong for further treatment. Ms. Lam’s attending doctor advised that she was not yet medically fit enough to be evacuated back to Hong Kong. As a consequence, she was hospitalised in the UK and returned to Hong Kong on a business class flight arranged by MSIG’s emergency assistance service on 20th August 2016.
After returning to Hong Kong, an operation was scheduled for 5th January 2017. Ms. Lam was now beginning to worry that the time between her accident in July 2016 and her operation on 5th January 2017 had already exceeded the 3-month follow-up medical expenses insurance period. Ms. Lam then contacted MSIG’s claims department to request an extension to her follow-up medical treatment period.
On learning the difficulties surrounding Ms. Lam’s particular situation, we specially agreed to extend her follow-up medical treatment period for three weeks.
Ms. Lam later wrote to us expressing her gratitude not only for our speedy turn-around time in dealing with her medical expenses recovery (which greatly alleviated her financial burden), but also for our professional advice and empathetic consideration taken from a customer's perspective.
Ms. Lam, who has been a loyal MSIG customer since 1990, also took the opportunity to thank us again for the peace of mind she’s enjoyed over the years.
Learn more about our insurance plans:
iTravel Plus (Single Trip)
iTravel Plus (Annual)